The name Sumidouro commes from the
geological phenomen of the Paquequer river, 500 meters
east from the urban border. That is the portuguese word
to call a hole where the river waters desapear to follow
an underground way. This is maybe the only case of this
kind in Brazil because the stone is not limestone but
granite. The spot n° 1 shows the place where the Paquequer river disapeared and the spot n° 2 where it emerged. The intermediate zone is known as "Sumidouro das Pedras". Unfortunately, in 1945, a big flow of Paquequer river brought about a lot of stuffs from fallen bridges and the hole has been closed. Today only 20 % of the waters follow the underground way. Many atempts to reopen the underground way happened but they never worked. Place where once the waters of Paquequer river disapeared. |